Entry #5 : My Father
I am in a very difficult situation right now and I can’t disclose too much but as most people probably know my father Ryan McGregor is accused of being guilty of the Dundale bombing I want to let everyone know who’s side I’m on. I support and love my father and I believe that he doesn’t deserve this punishment, he wouldn’t hurt a fly so I don’t understand how someone could accuse him of this. I think my father is blamed simply because he’s a Nought, they found such small evidence it could’ve been anyone and they wouldn’t even think to accuse a cross because if they did they would realize that Crosses can be bad people. I am boiling with anger and the jury stirring the pot no one believes that a Nought can be a good person we are ought out to be criminals, we need to do something about this and I don’t know what we can do to stop this inequality. I am not allowed to speak about anything else but I just want to say that no human deserves this Nought or Cross and innocent Noughts ...